Why we do this work
Studies have shown that young black boys growing up in poor communities are subjected to the traumas and disparities of inequalities, crime, unstable households, poor education and mass incarceration: which is a direct link to poverty as Louisiana ranked as one of the poorest states in the nation, accordingly to the United States Census Bureau (History Poverty Charts 1959-2019). Why Does Louisiana Consistently Lead the Nation in Murders? – The New York Times (nytimes.com)
In addition, to confirm our own assessment to this unfortunate reality. The New Orleans City Council formed a commission that conducted a report revealing that the best way to address childhood traumas of growing up in poverty is to invest in community resources. New Orleans’ best bet to reduce youth crime? Invest in programs that alleviate trauma, study says | Local Politics | nola.com
Due to the growing number of young black boys growing up without fathers or positive male figures in their lives. We now provide an after school mentoring and general support program for Boys who are in school at the age group of 8-17. Our program includes mentoring relationships, supportive services, family counseling, alternate educational pathways, creative career exploration, and structured extracurricular activities.
In addition, We do an annual back to school drive to help our youth in the poor communities with the necessary supplies, resources, and service providers to have a successful school year.

Gentlemen Course (G-Course) Program
Our disregarded youth (those who do not have positive male figures, not in school or working) is our core group. Youth between the ages of 17 – 24, who are eligible to be enrolled in one of the various Louisiana apprenticeship programs or trade programs, can participate in our 6 month life skills and professional development course called the Gentlemen Course (G-Course), and attain a high school diploma or equivalent, if not already achieved.
The G-Course’s mentoring curriculum consists of three main phases, and an honorary phase:
Male Etiquette/Professional Maintenance/trauma healing circles/speak up classes
Peaceful Conflict resolution/Community Observation/Core value development Health awareness
Critical Writing and Thinking/Economic and business Development/Youth Leadership
When achieving the honorary Gold, participants are required to take on leadership roles, pursue business ownership or mentor others in their communities
Each of the three main phases of the G-Course are 60 days in duration, and prepares the participant for the next phase of the curriculum. Once the participant completes the curriculum, he will be expected, encouraged and supported to enroll in any apprenticeship he desires.
Youth Advocacy
We partner with organizations and agencies to advocate for changes in laws, rules or policies that impact the youth in our communities.